Monday, February 6, 2012

"Omurice" Omelet and Rice

What is Omurice?

Omurice is one of my favorite foods.

Omurice - wikipedia

Omurice puts an omelet on rice.
Or rice is wrapped in an egg.

Most standard Omurice stir-fries rice, meat, and an onion in catsup, and wraps them in an egg.

Catsup is covered before eating. At this time, a character and an illustration are written using catsup.
It is one of the pleasure of this dish.

It is in Wikipedia with "The dish is also popular with children and often featured on okosama-ranchi or kids' meals."
To be sure, it is a dish which is popular among children.
However, many Japanese enjoy popularity regardless of age.

It eats daily also at home.
It will eat especially at lunchtime in many cases.

In Wikipedia, although Omusoba is also introduced, Omusoba is not a popular dish. Since Omurice is popular, it sees at a home or a restaurant, but Omusoba is rarely seen.
It can purchase at a convenience store.

Do you want to eat Omurice?

We can eat Omurice immediately.
If it is neither a restaurant which is not so high-class, nor a specialty store of a specific dish, you can eat at most restaurants.
It is as popular a dish as it.

Since you also obtain foods easily and you can make them easily, please make by yourself and eat.

To all the people that love Japan.
with love.


Dude I got some epic pictures of a gaint Omurisu here in Onojo hit me up

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