Japanese Foods

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Japanese Faith

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Japanese society

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Japanese OtakuCulture

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Japanese Language

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Video which made it walk along GUNDAM of a physical model by a genetic algorithm

"walked the Gundam By genetic algorithm" - Youtube

The person who succeeded in walking him around GUNDAM with a physical engine challenged to improving a walk by a genetic algorithm.
He performed for two weeks with two personal computers.
GUNDAM of six bodies was evolved.

GUNDAM which cannot walk well is lovely :D

He has contributed the following videos before.
"swing genetic algorithm"

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Truth of Katana

I looked at the video "Katana VS Broadword."

It is the video of the contents "katana had bent when Broadsword was cut with Katana, but broadsword did not bend."
However, primarily, Katana is made of a soft metal and bends easily.

The expert of Katana is competent so that it may not bend.
However, shortly after a user is poor, it will bend.

Since it seemed that many people seldom knew about Katana, I investigated.

The characteristic of Katana

Katana is polished in the lengthwise direction.
katana has the shape of a saw with a detailed edge. Therefore, the maximum power is demonstrated by pulling, or it pushes.
The shape of katana is making the form of the natural arc.
This form is the form which can be smoothly cut while putting the suitable pressure for an edge.
The side of the edge of Katana is roasted by fire.
By this, it becomes very strong against the shock at the time of an edge hitting perpendicularly to an object.

The fault of Katana

Katana of sharpness is wonderful.
However, if the target vital part is not in sight, it will seldom be helpful.
Sharpness of Broadword is bad.
However, anyone can give a fixed damage to a target.

Japanese people make a sword for an expert to use.
The West makes the sword which many people can use.

This has a thing related also to fighter plane.

"Katana" for a Japanese

katana is poor at Western armor.
Probably, it will be difficult for a Japanese army to win, when Japanese samurais' army and an Occidental army fight.

It seems that first of all, Japanese people used not katana but the spear on the battlefield. Katana was used for the duel.

And the sword was also samurais' strong emotional attachment. It was going to reach to an extreme of the technique in which many samurais treat a sword just because it is a sword which cannot pull out sufficient power, if it is not an expert.

Since the body is small and powerless, Asians are poor at brandishing a sword by muscular power.
Therefore, the martial art of medieval Japan and the researcher of kendo were well versed in the field of sports science.
The work to which the bodily center of gravity is moved, and the work which utilizes potential energy and produces big power were invented.

The result is martial arts, such as "karate", "kendo", "judo", and "aikido."
Probably, a Chinese martial art also has the feature similar to a martial art of Japan.

At the end, pretty video is introduced.
This is the woman who is studying "Iaido."

Incidentally, in present age Japan, walking around with Katana without permission is breach of law.
For many Japanese, Katana is not familiar.
Like the woman in video, it can own as the case where Iaido etc. are studied, and an expensive work of art.

To all the people that love Japan.
with love.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Are Japanese people really industrious?

Once, by World War II, Japan died once and was born again.

"was born again."
I would like to express such.

In Japan of prewar days, and postwar Japan, it is changing dramatically.

Japan achieved the big economic growth represented by the "bubble" after the war.

Japanese asset price bubble - wikipedia

What kind of situation does Japan of the period of the economic growth think it is?

- The consciousness as a capitalist state rooted strongly.

- Money-making was completed as it worked, when working.

- Money was not exhausted even if people bought many things needed.

- And all people had an illusion that such a time continued eternally.

However, such a time was ended around 1990.
Henceforth, economy of Japan has fallen rapidly.

And I was born in 1982.
Japan was quickly depressed and has looked at signs that the identity is lost.

And Japan is trying to change now when 20 years or more passed.
I am imagining and enjoying the end at which changing Japan arrives as a one Japanese.

A Japanese labor view

Japanese people are considered to be industrious.
That's right.
National working hours are long to top class also in the world.

Why are Japanese working hours long?
Probably, one has the loyalty to a company.
Japan came considering being faithful to the Lord as a virtue historically.
However, it is not a major factor.

The reason Japanese working hours are long is that it experienced rapid economic growth.
Economic growth changed the sense of values over labor of Japanese people.
The more it works, the more it profits.
Therefore, if time to work is lengthened, it will profit more mostly.

And people of the oldest age experienced the "bubble" among Japanese workers.
A change of generation will take place in ten years, and Japan will change gently.

Probably, a subsequent Japanese is also industrious.
However, it should come to work more efficiently than former.

To all the people that love Japan.
with love.

Monday, February 6, 2012

"Omurice" Omelet and Rice

What is Omurice?

Omurice is one of my favorite foods.

Omurice - wikipedia

Omurice puts an omelet on rice.
Or rice is wrapped in an egg.

Most standard Omurice stir-fries rice, meat, and an onion in catsup, and wraps them in an egg.

Catsup is covered before eating. At this time, a character and an illustration are written using catsup.
It is one of the pleasure of this dish.

It is in Wikipedia with "The dish is also popular with children and often featured on okosama-ranchi or kids' meals."
To be sure, it is a dish which is popular among children.
However, many Japanese enjoy popularity regardless of age.

It eats daily also at home.
It will eat especially at lunchtime in many cases.

In Wikipedia, although Omusoba is also introduced, Omusoba is not a popular dish. Since Omurice is popular, it sees at a home or a restaurant, but Omusoba is rarely seen.
It can purchase at a convenience store.

Do you want to eat Omurice?

We can eat Omurice immediately.
If it is neither a restaurant which is not so high-class, nor a specialty store of a specific dish, you can eat at most restaurants.
It is as popular a dish as it.

Since you also obtain foods easily and you can make them easily, please make by yourself and eat.

To all the people that love Japan.
with love.

Kanji "Kokoro"

This Kanji has a meaning called "Heart".
This has modeled the form of the heart.

Radical_61 - Wikipedia

It is used also as a part of other various characters.

Especially Kokoro is used as a part of character showing a "feeling" in many cases.

For example, there is the above-mentioned example.

- Ai, Koi
It is a character which both has a meaning called "Love".
There is Kokoro at the center of a character in Ai.
Koi has Kokoro in the lower berth.

- Isogashii
This word means it as "busy".
a It is "busy" of busy man.
Where is Kokoro?
It is on the left-hand side of a character.
The left-hand side of a character is a form where Kokoro was omitted.
A right-hand side character expresses a meaning called "lose" or "die".
I am so busy that Heart is lost.

- Kanashii, Kowai
Kanashii has the meaning "I am sad."
Kowai has the meaning "I am fearful."
They are words with which both express a feeling.

By the way...
Ai and Koi are the language by means of which the meaning is alike.
How is it different?
Koi is a feeling turned to the opposite sex etc.
Ai is Love turned to people including a sweetheart, a family, and a friend.

To all the people that love Japan.
with Ai.

Japanese faith and animism

"Japanese people do not have an object of faith."
Seemingly, from you outside Japan, it thinks such. 。

A present-day Japanese does going once for a week to neither a church nor a temple.

There are only two opportunities for Japanese people to visit Jinja (shinto shrine) in every year.
But, Japanese people have an object of faith.

Our faith is special.
It is because our faith has rooted into every day.


Shintoism is mentioned to a religion unique to Japan.

It is the religion which makes Tenno (emperor) the highest priest person, and is the religion which shows the respect to nature, and awe.

Shintoism thinks that Kami (God or soul) is dwelling in all the things of this world, a phenomenon, and all.

In Japan, what has after [ Shintoism ] acceptance of Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, etc., etc. remained in the Japanese inner life broadly.

When considering faith of Japanese people, a concrete building and substance should pay their attention to soul rather than are important.

"Itadakimasu" and animism

In Japan, before having a meal, the custom recited "Itadakimasu" is.
The animism of Shintoism can say this custom as the custom which remained deeply.

Meat, a fish, vegetables ...
All the foods are conceiving the soul and are Kami.
Their lives are killed and it is used for life maintenance of man.
Japanese people put the gratitude to them and recite Itadakimasu.

Animism and whale gastronomic culture

I may read the blame about what Japanese people eat a whale for through overseas media.

In order for them to say, it is what "It should not kill and they should not eat since a whale and a dolphin have high intelligence although a pig, a cow, and vegetables may be killed."

However, according to animism faith of Japanese people, they are a pig, a cow, vegetables, a whale, a dolphin, and a soul valuable like all.

Those who blame eating a whale have a haughty belief to the soul which you are killing and eating.

It is discrimination.

By the way, a whale may be delicious ...
In fact, Japanese people rarely eat a whale.

Whale meat is due to be introduced by a Foods category someday.

To all the people that love Japan.
with love.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

"Tamago kake gohan" egg sauce over rice

What is tamago kake gohan?

The dish most familiar and loved for the Japanese.

Tamago kake gohan(wikipedia)

There are many lovers of this dish.
Among lovers, it may be called in the abbreviated name "T.KG."

It mainly eats as breakfast in many cases.

The beaten egg is seasoned with soy sauce and it applies to rice.
It is a dish which can be eaten simply and speedily.

Out of Japan, eating with an egg not heated is dangerous.
However, since Japan's food hygiene management is so perfect that it is crazy, if it is in Japan, he can eat it safely.

Do you want to eat tamago kake gohan?

Though regrettable, at the restaurant in Japan, you cannot eat Tamago kake gohan.

It is because it is a dish very homely [ Tamago kake gohan ] and simple.
Even if it carries out to a restaurant etc., Tamago kake gohan does not appear in a menu.

It will be necessary to tell a request to accommodations and a homestay place.

To all the people that love Japan.
with love.


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