Saturday, February 18, 2012

Truth of Katana

I looked at the video "Katana VS Broadword."

It is the video of the contents "katana had bent when Broadsword was cut with Katana, but broadsword did not bend."
However, primarily, Katana is made of a soft metal and bends easily.

The expert of Katana is competent so that it may not bend.
However, shortly after a user is poor, it will bend.

Since it seemed that many people seldom knew about Katana, I investigated.

The characteristic of Katana

Katana is polished in the lengthwise direction.
katana has the shape of a saw with a detailed edge. Therefore, the maximum power is demonstrated by pulling, or it pushes.
The shape of katana is making the form of the natural arc.
This form is the form which can be smoothly cut while putting the suitable pressure for an edge.
The side of the edge of Katana is roasted by fire.
By this, it becomes very strong against the shock at the time of an edge hitting perpendicularly to an object.

The fault of Katana

Katana of sharpness is wonderful.
However, if the target vital part is not in sight, it will seldom be helpful.
Sharpness of Broadword is bad.
However, anyone can give a fixed damage to a target.

Japanese people make a sword for an expert to use.
The West makes the sword which many people can use.

This has a thing related also to fighter plane.

"Katana" for a Japanese

katana is poor at Western armor.
Probably, it will be difficult for a Japanese army to win, when Japanese samurais' army and an Occidental army fight.

It seems that first of all, Japanese people used not katana but the spear on the battlefield. Katana was used for the duel.

And the sword was also samurais' strong emotional attachment. It was going to reach to an extreme of the technique in which many samurais treat a sword just because it is a sword which cannot pull out sufficient power, if it is not an expert.

Since the body is small and powerless, Asians are poor at brandishing a sword by muscular power.
Therefore, the martial art of medieval Japan and the researcher of kendo were well versed in the field of sports science.
The work to which the bodily center of gravity is moved, and the work which utilizes potential energy and produces big power were invented.

The result is martial arts, such as "karate", "kendo", "judo", and "aikido."
Probably, a Chinese martial art also has the feature similar to a martial art of Japan.

At the end, pretty video is introduced.
This is the woman who is studying "Iaido."

Incidentally, in present age Japan, walking around with Katana without permission is breach of law.
For many Japanese, Katana is not familiar.
Like the woman in video, it can own as the case where Iaido etc. are studied, and an expensive work of art.

To all the people that love Japan.
with love.


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