Monday, February 6, 2012

Japanese faith and animism

"Japanese people do not have an object of faith."
Seemingly, from you outside Japan, it thinks such. 。

A present-day Japanese does going once for a week to neither a church nor a temple.

There are only two opportunities for Japanese people to visit Jinja (shinto shrine) in every year.
But, Japanese people have an object of faith.

Our faith is special.
It is because our faith has rooted into every day.


Shintoism is mentioned to a religion unique to Japan.

It is the religion which makes Tenno (emperor) the highest priest person, and is the religion which shows the respect to nature, and awe.

Shintoism thinks that Kami (God or soul) is dwelling in all the things of this world, a phenomenon, and all.

In Japan, what has after [ Shintoism ] acceptance of Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, etc., etc. remained in the Japanese inner life broadly.

When considering faith of Japanese people, a concrete building and substance should pay their attention to soul rather than are important.

"Itadakimasu" and animism

In Japan, before having a meal, the custom recited "Itadakimasu" is.
The animism of Shintoism can say this custom as the custom which remained deeply.

Meat, a fish, vegetables ...
All the foods are conceiving the soul and are Kami.
Their lives are killed and it is used for life maintenance of man.
Japanese people put the gratitude to them and recite Itadakimasu.

Animism and whale gastronomic culture

I may read the blame about what Japanese people eat a whale for through overseas media.

In order for them to say, it is what "It should not kill and they should not eat since a whale and a dolphin have high intelligence although a pig, a cow, and vegetables may be killed."

However, according to animism faith of Japanese people, they are a pig, a cow, vegetables, a whale, a dolphin, and a soul valuable like all.

Those who blame eating a whale have a haughty belief to the soul which you are killing and eating.

It is discrimination.

By the way, a whale may be delicious ...
In fact, Japanese people rarely eat a whale.

Whale meat is due to be introduced by a Foods category someday.

To all the people that love Japan.
with love.


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